Summer of Exploration CoverWell, it’s finally happened! I have put all of the chapters together and have gone through the first revision of the whole novel! I sent a copy of the book to a couple of my friends to revise it a little more and make sure that I didn’t miss anything! There is a LOT that has changed since the first few chapters were posted on this blog and there is a lot that I could have missed and I needed a few more eyes on it before I really messed something up!

As it stands right now the book is just over a 104 thousand words on over 270 pages! That is a lot for me since I usually just write short stories. But, as you know from four years of watching this book grow, this was a short story in the beginning that just begged to be turned into an novel! I kept adding new portions to the short stories, and even those weren’t really considered short stories when they ended up being over 35 thousand words each!

The first release of this book is going to be available on Lulu and Amazon as a hard back 6″ x 9″. The price is going to be about $39.95 as it is expensive to get one of these books printed at this size! The number of pages and the hard back with the cover is just really expensive if you don’t have a publisher! I believe even when priced at $39.95 I will only recieve about $1 – $2 for each book sold on Amazon (after they take their cut of course!)

I am thinking about offering this up with a personallized note and signature for anyone who wishes to help me out and buy this first edition directly through me for a little bit of a premium price (to cover shipping to me, and then shipping to you!) What do you all think about this option? Would you pay 10$ more for that? ($49.95)  It would really help me out and also, it would show that there is a following that would like to maybe see what happens in the Winter!!!!

Anyhow! Just thought I would update yall and let you know where we are with the book!  I hope you have all voted (if you are in the USA!) and hope that you are looking forward to the release as much as I am!

~-= Cin =-~

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