What’s Going On?

What’s Going On?

Well, once again I have been bad. I haven’t written here in a while and that is against what I had planned on doing when this year started. Life continues to get in the way on most of the things that I had planned so far! I have started doing a few other things though, so that is taking a little bit of my time up and I haven’t been able to spend as much time on this site or writing as I would have liked to. But, I haven’t forgotten about you all!

I have a couple of stories I am still writing on. The stories aren’t near being done, but they are getting worked on a little bit every now and then. I haven’t gotten around to re-writing the first chapter of “The Introduction of Jessica” yet. Though it is ready to be re-written. It is going to take some time to get through the whole book though, as I am changing the timeline from one week to the whole summer and to make it make sense, I have to change a LOT of the chapters and how things are written. It may end up being longer as well.

But, life gets in the way and other things come up. I am working on a “Signature Track” on Coursera. I am working on building a couple of websites. I am learning a lot of different applications. I am thinking of various business opportunities. I am working out how to get rid of all my debt in the next 5 years. This is a LOT of things going on at the same time and I still have a day job! I don’t see that changing until I get a lot more books published and yall start buying them or start donating to me! ๐Ÿ™‚ LOL Just kidding! I don’t beg! heheh

At any rate, I just wanted you all to know that I haven’t forgotten you and I hope to write more, but I can’t promise it!

~-= Cin =-~

Last Post of January!

Last Post of January!

Well, it is just about the end of January! I have managed to post 4 times this month, I think that is a good start to the year! Still have a few things going on that are taking up a lot of time. Hope this year is a little different and I can get things back to normal and continue working on the projects that I would love to be working on.

First things first. I have finished the story I was writing for a friend. I haven’t heard from her yet, so I don’t want to post it until she gets the chance to read it and let’s me know she thinks it is good. Once I hear from her I will post it up here! It has been a while since I posted a new story, and for that I am really sorry! I will be working on more this year! I Promise!!!!

Next, I have really gone over the first chapter of “The Introduction of Jessica”. It is going through a HUGE re-write and I just haven’t had the time that I would like to put towards it! I will though! I have to go over the first chapter and make the changes that I have red-lined in the draft, and then that will set the tone for the rest of the book. It is going to change a lot from the chapters that I had posted, so I am sure you will love the chance to read the story again, or for the first time if you missed the chance the first time!

I have also been talking with someone about doing a photo shoot. I hope to be able to set it up for next weekend! I can’t wait. I really need to practice and I have some ideas. I hope she likes them and I hope I am able to make some great images that she will be very happy to share! We will see though!

Anyhow I think that is enough for this one! I hope you all have had a great first month of the year! Love you all! Hope to hear from some of you soon!

~-= Cin =-~

State of my Blog!

State of my Blog!

Ok, that was like really bad, but whatever! The President had his State of the Union speech last night and usually I wouldn’t comment on it, but I had to share the whole part about where he was the first to comment on Gay, Lesbian, Transgendered, and Bisexuals! Well really he was only the first to mention Lesbian, Transgendered and Bi-sexual. I believe that Gay has been mentioned before. Still, it was a first!

“Thatโ€™s why we defend free speech, and advocate for political prisoners, and condemn the persecution of women, or religious minorities, or people who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender.

So, what’s going on with everyone? I am still working a little too much and too brain dead after getting home to finish up the story! I had a few other things going on as well taking up little too much time. These things happen and I will get over them, and get through them. Anyhow I hope you all have a great night!

~-= Cin =-~

Another January Post!

Another January Post!

Ok, one of my new years resolutions was to post more than once or twice a month! I can’t believe it has been 13 days since I last posted! That is way too long if I am going to keep that resolution! I really want to keep it going at once a week if I can! Work has just been a bitch over the last two weeks though! It should be settling down a little more here though! I am really glad we have off on Monday! Maybe I can finish up that story for my friend and get that off to her!

So I saw this posting on a site: http://mashable.com/2015/01/05/transgender-cuba-photo-series/. It’s Mashable, so it’s not like i’m sending you to some weird site or anything! It is a series of photos done with transgendered people in Cuba. It has them dressed in Drab and Cross-dressed in the same location. I loved this story and the series. I can’t wait to try to do something like that with a few of the cross-dressers in this area. I need to find the time as I already have a photo session that someone wants to do, I just haven’t been able to get the time together to get out there and do the shoot! Like I said, work has been a bitch! Just need to get the time together!

Nintendo released the “New 3DS XL” this past week for pre-order, it will be here on the 13th! I ordered the Silver one, the Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate version since it came with the game. I also picked up another one (a blue one, the regular 3DS XL) so I could play some Pokemon and Bravely Default. I love me some Pokemon! I got Pokemon Y and Alpha Sapphire. I also got Mario Kart 7, just out of principal. Can’t have a Nintendo without Mario Kart! I can’t wait for the new one to be here, I want to see how much faster it is and transfer my stuff over to it for good. See how far I can get in Pokemon Y before it gets here! I’ll let you know! If you care! ๐Ÿ™‚ Hell, even if you don’t!

Alright, that is enough. I think I have bored you enough with my rant and general chatter this week! I will try to update more often, at least once a week. I will update you on the new story I am trying to finish up. I just have a little more to go and I will post it up here for you all! I think you will like it! Not that it is anything special or long like the novel, but it is a good little short story! Anyhow, till the next time!

Love you all!!!
~-= Cin =-~

Welcome to a New Follower!

Welcome to a New Follower!

Well it is so very rare that I get a new follower on the blog (at least that I know about!) That I thought I would give him a nice little post just for him! I don’t know much about him other than his e-mail address which I think gives me his name! If I get it wrong, please let me know! Effe! I am not sure what that means or even if that is his real name, but that is alright! I hope to hear more from my readers and get more followers in the near future to help move things along and help me with ideas for new stories! I am guessing since he is following me now that he is interested in similar things so the image at the top of this post is just for him! I love extreme high heels in fishnets (or any type of stockings!) Enjoy!

~-= Cin =-~

Miqo’te Erotica

Miqo’te Erotica

Hey everyone! I was going through a few of the logs about the blog and I have noticed that a LOT of people are getting to it searching for miqo’te literature erotica and miqo’te erotica! Well I will have to do a little research, then I will write a story just for you all! I know there are a few pictures that I have added on here since I play a Miqo’te in Final Fantasy XIV. Speaking of which, I really should get back in that game, but I have found that I have been trying to play too many games. I am sticking with Diablo III and Dragon Age: Inquisition for a little while till I really finish them up first!

Back to the story though. What the hell are you all looking for when you search for miqo’te erotica? Anything specific? I will do a little looking around and see what I find about their history and what not then see what I can come up with! Would you all like me to create a new character that will go through a few different story lines? Sexual exploits of a Miqo’te Slut in Eorzea?! Sounds like an interesting thought! I will see what I come up with!

~-= Cin =-~

Update: 07/10/19 – You know, this post gets read a LOT, but I still have not recieved any feedback on what you all are looking for in the past 5 years! Is there nothing you are specifically looking for that you would like to read? I would love to start a series about a Miqo’te, but only if yall let me know what type of erotica you are looking for!