Ok, so I have been bad! It’s the 24th and this is the first time that I have written this month! WTF!? I guess I have a few things that I have been up to this month, but I really should have been writing more and playing less! This past week has sucked for weather as well! Last week, Monday night it snowed. It snowed about 5 inches. Then it was around 20 degrees the next few days, then it rained a little. The ice that this created really SUCKED!!!!

What else have I been up to? Well I have been playing Guild Wars 2. It is a beautiful game! I was able to get the computer updated so that it would play games at 4k resolution on the 65″ TV.

Beautiful Statue in Guild Wars 2

Beautiful Statue in Guild Wars 2

This is a beautiful game at 4k! WOW! It is just gorgeous!!! Here is a picture to show just one little piece from the game (at a much reduced resolution! The full size screenshots can be up to about 8 meg jpegs!!!)

Hopefully I will be able to go back to work tomorrow, as it is snowing here again right now, but isn’t expected to stick as much on the streets. Tomorrow though, we are getting 4 to 8 more inches of snow, so that will mean no more work this week probably. We will just have to see if they shut down work again.

Anyhow, I will try to write some more and also get permission to post the other story that I had finished for my friend (whom I haven’t heard from in a while! Hope they didn’t get in trouble!!!) I will write again soon!

Love yall!!!!
~-= Cin =-~

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