It has been forever and a Day since I have written! Damn near two years!? That is quite amazing! The book is doing well though yall need to get out there and buy your copy to keep things moving forward, I have started laying out the second book!

Summer of Exploration:

If you like amazon more:

The second book will take place in Autumn (Fall), still trying to figure out what I am going to call it, but it will have to do with Jessica going to College near her Aunt’s house! We will have to see what kind of craziness Jessica gets up to in College and how that affects her relationship with Jamie! So much to keep up with!

So, I know this is a very late posting and yall have been waiting quite a while for it! But know that it is in the works (could be a while before it is complete, but at least it is started!) Every book sold helps me work on the new one! Also don’t forget to check out my other short stories on the same site as above! They are all different and hopefully just as tantalizing! I would like to leave you with a lovely image we just took today at my friends studio! Just messing around in a Corset! I know you all like the images just as much as the books!

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