Wow. Exactly one month! Well I know it is the day after Christmas, but I do start writing this post on Christmas so that should count! I know I haven’t been around as much as I used to be. Life is just what it is the the moment. I have published two more short stories, as you my have noticed, to and IBooks. I have been working in 3D for a few reasons. Let me know what you think! I have included 2 in this post. I am writing this on my phone so to see if I can do it and see about doing it more in the future as ideas pop into my head! I hope it will help me post more and have fresher ideas!

Cindy Bikini Render 1

Cindy Bikini Render 1

So, what did Santa bring everyone? How many of you were naughty enough to really get what they wanted? I guess I was! I got a lot of little things that I wanted! Some toys and a few pieces for outfits that I have been wanting to get! Love them! I also got a nice little NAS to put all my porn on! Have to love that!

Breast Render 1

Breast Render 1

Anyhow I hope you all enjoy the pictures I have created so far, though I am still working on what I want, these were just tests! Let me know! 🙂

~-= Cin =-~

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