[singlepic id=5 w=160 h=120 float=left] Well I was told that I don’t ramble, even though this site is “Cindy’s Ramblings”! So I figured I should write a post that rambles a little bit and add a little information about things that are going on at this time as well!

 There are many things that are going on right now in the web world.  First the next iPhone is being announced on Wednesday, which I am totally psyched about!  They have already announced the next Galaxy Note, so that is making the decision to buy the iPhone a little harder, as I am really interested in the Note, it has so many features that I would use and so much easier to write software for (which I do as well). NVidia is coming out later (in December probably) with the Tegra 4 which will be interesting to see what it gets put into and what kind of graphics quality it has.  So many new things to develop for!  Another thing that I can’t believe is the obvious rip off of apple that HP has released!  Check it out, seriously! Spectre One is like the iMac running windows 8!

 Things in the Trans world.  There are lots of things going on here as well. Though this time I am not going to go into it, it seems that there are a lot more places that are accepting this lifestyle, and this is always a good thing!  There is still a long ways to go for equality, but it is a long road that we have started down finally.  I hope that things really get going, but we have a LOT of history to over come. 

 The elections are of course upon us.  If you are a republican and like Romney and Ryan, then I feel for you!  I am not going to rant too much about them, but still, just too much fodder to go into on here!  Go Obama! GET OUT AND VOTE!

So about the things that I am working on.  As you can see, I have updated the website a little bit, this is to help fund the site and my books.  I would like to thank everyone that has purchased my first book, whether it was e-book or print.  I really appreciate it and hope that you have enjoyed the stories in it!  I will be getting back to writing the next one again soon I promise!  The online story of course is coming along, we are already on part 5 of day 2, need to read that!  Be sure to read them all!  All the links are on the stories page (menu above!). 

I guess that is enough rambling about various things! See y’all again soon!


~-= Cin =-~

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